Presentation proposals can now be submitted which address, in a technical manner, either specific or general restoration projects in Asia or worldwide but where there is an Asian context or resonance. Proposals on the issues relating to conservation, preservation as well as access are equally welcome as are proposals on the lessons learnt from failed or less than successful projects. Projects relating to not only to film but also video and audio would be of equal importance.
Past presentations can be found in the downloadable programmes here under the HISTORY tab.
Presentations can be of any length from 15-45 minutes and proposals should be submitted in English with a maximum of 250 words and a description of what visual support materials will be included.
Facilities exist at the venue for screening DCP and 35mm film as well as PPT presentations. Whilst the proceedings of RA V will be English please advise if translation of the presentation would be preferred and from what language to English. (Please understand we will do whatever we can to accommodate such requests but cannot guarantee translation will be possible).
The deadline for submissions is December 31st and confirmation of accepted proposals should be made on or before January 31st, 2018.