Two young Burmese pilots, who also happen to be brothers, visit Japan hoping to fulfil their long-held dream of completing a nonstop flight from Tokyo to Rangoon (present day Yangon). But upon their arrival, the elder of the two falls in love with a Japanese woman named Emiko, casting a shadow over not only their flight plans but also the brothers’ relationship.
Alternate Titles: The Daughter of Japan
Original Production Country: Japan
Original Release Year: 1935
Original Elements Held By: NFAJ, Tokyo
Original Distribution Company:
Production Company: P.C.L. Film Productions, Japan & A1 Studio, British Burma (Myanmar)
Executive Producer:
Director: Nyi Pu (Co-Director Yoshiro Edamasa (and others)
Cinematography: Shohei Kawatani
Sound: Koji Ichikawa
Sound Editor:
Other Credits:
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1
Colour System: B/W
Colour Process:
Duration: 85mins
Status: Released
Country Where Restored: Japan
Country Restoration First Screened: Japan
Lab Image Restored By: Imagica
Lab Audio Restored By:
Archive Partner(s) in Restoration: Save Myanmar Film
Restored Elements Held By: NFAJ Tokyo
Restoration Funded By:
Restoration Premiere: NFAJ, Tokyo
Restoration General Release Date: 26 October 2019
Screening Rights Held By: Japan: NFAJ; RoW : A1 Film Company, Yangon
BD/DVD Release:
Agency for Cultural Affairs [Japan] 2019 Project Mekong-Japan Exchange Year: Japanese-Myanmar Classics Joint Screening Program Report
Since 2012, Restoration Asia has been a showcase for the work of archives, technical service providers and distributors in their efforts to preserve the audio-visual heritage of Asia.
Restoration Asia is coordinated by OWL Studio, and is designed for archivists, scholars, students and professionals as well as those with a shared passion for the preservation and restoration of Asian Cinema & Asia’s cinematographic history.