The film tells the tale of Guia, a country girl played by Mila del Sol, who begins to sing American songs on the radio, after being infatuated with images of Hollywood and the attention lavished on her by the son of the wealthy hacienda owner. Actor Ely Ramos plays the son who is also the bandleader of the orchestra. She finds fame, and moves to Manila. Eventually, she becomes disillusioned, and returns to the province, singing Filipino music. She also returns to the arms of her childhood sweetheart (played by Fernando Poe, Sr).
Alternate Titles:
Language: Tagalog (Filipino)
Original Production Country: Philippines
Original Release Year: 1939
Original Elements Held By:
Original Distribution Company: LVN Pictures
Production Company: LVN Pictures
Executive Producer:
Director: Carlos Vander Tolosa
Writer: Carlos Vander Tolosa
Sound Editor:
Music/Score: Juan Silos Jr with Ariston Avelino
Other Credits: Cast Mila del Sol, Fernando Poe Sr, Ely Ramos, Ely Ramos and Fleur de Lis
Aspect Ratio:
Colour System: B/W
Colour Process:
Duration: 90 mins
Status: Released
Country Where Restored: Australia
Country Restoration First Screened: Philippines
Lab Image Restored By: NFSA, Canberra & PIA Manila
Lab Audio Restored By: NFSA, Canberra
Archive Partner(s) in Restoration: NFSA
Restored Elements Held By:
Restoration Funded By: SOFIA
Restoration Premiere: CCP Manila during “All the Best from Australia” Film Festival
Restoration General Release Date: 15 November 1998
Screening Rights Held By:
BD/DVD Release:
Since 2012, Restoration Asia has been a showcase for the work of archives, technical service providers and distributors in their efforts to preserve the audio-visual heritage of Asia.
Restoration Asia is coordinated by OWL Studio, and is designed for archivists, scholars, students and professionals as well as those with a shared passion for the preservation and restoration of Asian Cinema & Asia’s cinematographic history.