Restored Asian Films
Nidhanaya [The Treasure]
Film Synopsis
A man known as Willy Abenayake (Gamini Fonseka) who belongs to a wealthy family in a village in Sri Lanka, is interested in superstitious things. One day he finds an old Ola Leaf manuscript, which states the where-abouts of a treasure in a rock cave that belongs to an ancient king. However, according to the manuscript, he has to sacrifice the life of a virgin woman who has four black birth marks in her neck, in order to gain access to the treasure.
One day when he walk by a river, he accidentally comes across a young lady (Malini Fonseka), who has four black birth marks in her neck. After following the lady and collecting information about her, he decides to marry her. He eventually marries the lady and spends time with her.
In the meantime, the lady notices that her husband always spends time thinking. One day she asks him as to what keeps the man thinking all the time. He replies that he has to do a religious custom to a god in a rock. So, his wife agrees with him and thereby arranges everything for it.
After going to the rock, the man starts to fulfill the custom and finally he kills his wife as a sacrifice, with the hope of gaining access to the hidden treasure. But, unfortunately he is yet unable to get the treasure.
Sadly he comes home and decides to write the complete story, in his diary. After completing the story, he commits suicide by hanging himself.
Film Details
Alternate Titles: The Treasure
Language: Sinhalese
Original Production Country: Sri Lanka
Original Release Year: 1972
Original Elements Held By: NFAI Pune & Degeto Films
Original Distribution Company:
Production Company: Ceylon Studios
Executive Producer:
Producer: R Anthonypillai
Director: Lester James Peries
Writer: Screenplay by Tissa Abeysekara based on a short story written by G. B. Senanayake
Editor: Lester James Peries, Edvin Leetin & Gladvin Fernando
Sound Editor:
Music/Score: Premasiri Kemadasa
Other Credits: Cast: Malini Fonseka, Gamini Fonseka, Shanti Lekha, Saman Bokalawela, Trilishia Gunarathne, Francis Perera & Wijeratne Warakagoda
Aspect Ratio:
Colour System: B/W
Duration: 110 mins
Restoration Details
Status: Released
Country Where Restored: Italy
Restoration Release Date: 1 January 2013
Country Restoration First Screened:
Lab Image Restored By: L’Immagine Ritrovata
Lab Audio Restored By: L’Immagine Ritrovata
Archive Partner(s) In Restoration: NFAI, Pune
Restoration Funded By: Doha Film Institute, Film Foundation’s World Cinema Project, Lester James and Sumitra Peries, the National Film Archive of India, the National Film Corporation of Sri Lanka, Cinemas Ltd.
Restoration Premiere: Venice International Film Festival, August 2013
- Silver Lion, 1972 Venice International Film Festival
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